Browsing: Subscription Business & Pricing

Subscriptions are more than a financial model, they represent a new way of defining relationships between customers and providers. Today’s customers aren’t simply buying a product, they’re committing to a relationship with a brand. For providers, finding ways big and small to demonstrate that you understand your customer and care about their needs will build trust and loyalty over time.

The latest edition of the annual Subscription Economy IndexTM (SEI), Zuora’s Subscribed Institute’s landmark index, tracks the rapid ascent of the Subscription Economy. The report reflects the growth metrics of companies around the world in sectors including SaaS, Media, Manufacturing, Internet of Things (IoT), Business Services, and Communications/Video Conferencing.

New business models like subscriptions and consumption-based pricing are gaining traction in many industries thanks to newly emerging technologies, including cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence, While this creates new go-to-market and growth opportunities, it often strains existing systems and processes.