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Is your business prepared for data loss?

It’s a fact that every business needs effective storage and data management. But no company has enterprise-wide backup across all applications. With data only getting bigger – is your current storage big enough? Read our infographic and use our checklist to see how prepared your business is and what you need to do to stay in control of your growing data.

Business Growth & Strategy Industry-specific Insights Marketing & Sales

Imagine a world where your OSS and BSS contributes to your business

With rapid developments in 5G and a changing telco landscape, communication service providers (CSPs) face several challenges. Making the transition to a competitive digital service provider requires a complete transformation of legacy operation support systems (OSS) and business support systems (BSS). In this guide, we show you why and how transforming your OSS/BSS can result in greater value for your business—and case studies that demonstrate Red Hat’s experience and success.

Business Growth & Strategy Industry-specific Insights Marketing & Sales

Modernice la Infraestructura de Su Servidor Para Mayor Velocidad Y Seguridad

Forrester Consulting brinda servicios de consultoría objetiva e independiente basada en la investigación para ayudar a que los líderes tengan éxito en sus organizaciones. Desde una sesión de estrategia corta hasta proyectos personalizados, los servicios de consultoría de Forrester lo conectarán directamente con expertos analistas de investigación que aplicarán sus conocimientos a sus retos de negocios específicos. Para obtener más información, visite

Business Growth & Strategy Industry-specific Insights Marketing & Sales

O Impacto Da Aceleração Dos Ambientes de Armazenamento E Proteção de Dados

Recentemente, o ESG entrevistou dois mil responsáveis pelas decisões de TI para entender se, e até que ponto, as transformações tecnológicas abrangentes das organizações estão proporcionando vantagens competitivas. O estudo se concentrou no progresso das organizações ao proporcionar experiências digitais e modernas para o usuário final, inovar com dados e prestar serviços de TI de maneira mais flexível.

Business Growth & Strategy Industry-specific Insights Marketing & Sales

Ein Upgrade auf CAD-Software der nächsten Generation

In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten konnten sich verschiedene Designsysteme als gängige Lösungen für Industrieprojekte etablieren. Gleichzeitig haben EPC-Auftragnehmer enorme Ressourcen in die Anpassung dieser Systeme investiert, um ihren eigenen Geschäftsbetrieb zu rationalisieren und ihre Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu verbessern. Außerdem entwickelte sich zu dieser Zeit ein Trend unter Softwareanbietern, vermehrt auf Einheitslösungen zu setzen.