Browsing: CRM

With a CRM application, there’s no secret formula. It simply manages most of your critical customer information so that you can see it all in one place. Without leaving the app, you can view contact info, follow up via email or social media, manage tasks, and track your performance, among other benefits. Implementing the right CRM can increase sales efficiency.

New business models like subscriptions and consumption-based pricing are gaining traction in many industries thanks to newly emerging technologies, including cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence, While this creates new go-to-market and growth opportunities, it often strains existing systems and processes.

Buyers are not only comfortable buying online, but they also usually prefer it. The effects of the recent pandemic events that have caused an explosion in digital commerce have influenced B2B buyers as well. As consumers shifted to online commerce, B2B buyers have also looked to ways to minimize personal contact, through both remote selling and online purchasing. But omni-channel selling means more than just different way to buy. It also alters the cost of selling as buyers can now engage via multiple channels, even if the final order is placed online.