Business today moves fast. We all know it. And the pace will only get faster. Within this frenetic pace, disruption isn’t just a possibility; it’s a fact of life. As we shift from “the new normal” to no normal at all, you are either a disruptor or being disrupted. Which do you want to be?
Month: September 2023
Customers are looking to retailers for convenience, quality service, and personalization. While employees expect their employers to provide a technology-enabled working environment, opportunities to collaborate and develop skills, and celebrate their achievements.
Regardless of the metric, delivering an excellent customer experience is at the top of business leaders’ priority lists.
C’est un fait, toute entreprise a besoin d’une solution efficace de stockage et de gestion des données. Mais aucune ne dispose d’une sauvegarde à l’échelle de l’entreprise qui englobe l’ensemble des applications. Alors que les volumes de données ne cessent de croître, votre espace de stockage actuel est-il suffisant?
Si l’on ajoute à cela que 95 % des entreprises ferment dans l’année qui suit une violation de données, il apparaît alors indispensable que les entreprises de tous les secteurs achètent des solutions de sauvegarde qui s’adaptent en toute sécurité à la croissance de leurs données.
In this detailed evaluation of the Veeam and Lenovo’s joint solution for high-performance backup, recovery and ransomware protection at scale, explore how to orchestrate recovery with a validated ransomware recovery plan that can expedite clean, confident recovery when operations are disrupted.
Regardless of where business workloads run—edge, core, or cloud—resiliency is a fundamental requirement. Discover how Lenovo and Veeam, two of the industry’s top IT infrastructure solution providers, have partnered to ensure enterprise workloads receive the best resilience and availability.
It’s a fact that every business needs effective storage and data management. But no company has enterprise-wide backup across all applications. With data only getting bigger – is your current storage big enough? Read our infographic and use our checklist to see how prepared your business is and what you need to do to stay in control of your growing data.
Data runs the current economy, and it is predicted that by 2025 180ZB of data needs to find a home. Add to this that 95% of businesses close within a year of a data breach, it is vital that businesses from all sectors buy backup solutions that scale securely as their data grows.
Only half (52%) of executives are happy with their current data platform, so over the next 12 months the average company will invest $3 million in data technologies and initiatives.