Browsing: Customer & Employee Experience

Research shows that growing, developing, and retaining your workforce has a direct, positive impact not only on corporate culture, but also the bottom line. Creating a culture of recognition, value, and positivity can help protect a company’s greatest asset: human capital. Keep reading to learn why social recognition is not just a nice-to-have, but a necessity in today’s dynamic workplace.

Most US full-time workers worked in person prior to COVID, regardless of their company size. 89% worked full- time in person (three or more days) before COVID. Now, the work environment is quite different, with small and mid-sized businesses increasingly shifting to a hybrid or remote work model. Having a hybrid or full-time remote work arrangement jumped from 11% pre-COVID to 39% during COVID, and that shift seems unlikely to change any time soon.

The benefits of digital engagement have never been more clear. With a strong cloud digital engagement platform, you can operate under nearly any circumstances. Your customers enjoy shorter wait times and better, more consistent experiences. And your agents are freed from many mundane tasks. With the right strategy in place, you can evolve digital engagement rapidly.

Walk into your local bookstore and there’s no shortage of advice for leaders and managers. Amazon offers 7,000 books about culture, 2,000 books on leadership, and more than 134 books specifically devoted to employee engagement. A Google search for books containing the term “employee engagement” returns 93,000 results. Meanwhile, the total volume of Google searches for employee engagement has risen more than threefold over the past 14 years.