Browsing: Global Expansion & Compliance

When a company needs to meet the demands of industry leaders in different sectors and countries, having the right employees is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. So, when DevonWay was tasked with relocating a valued employee from the U.S. to the UAE, a country where DevonWay did not have an entity, they had to find a cost- effective, efficient solution.

The global work environment has changed — companies are rapidly replacing traditional 9-to-5 office-based roles with a flexible, remote-first workforce. Remote work has opened the doors to hiring the best talent, wherever they may live. However, while this provides companies with new and exciting opportunities, it also comes with its challenges, one of which is managing employees in various countries.

Entering new markets and growing a global team is simple — with support from the right partner. A cloud-based project and team management company headquartered in Tel Aviv,, was looking to hire new team members in Brazil and Canada. However, the company did not have an entity set up there, making it complex to take the next step into a new market.