Preparing your retail enterprise for Unified Commerce: The definitive guide to organisational readiness, adoption and implementation

As a modern retail leader, you’re not only charged with understanding the latest technology innovations in the market, but you’re also responsible for guiding your organisation through its digital transformation journey.

In Aptos’ new guide, “Preparing your retail enterprise for Unified Commerce,” we’ve outlined the most important things to consider from a technology perspective as well as the considerations you’ll need to make in key departments within your organisation to properly prepare for Unified Commerce.

After reading the guide, you’ll understand:

–  How to define Unified Commerce and help your teams speak the same language when making this transition

–  What you need from a technology perspective and what you should be looking for from your next vendor

–  What each of your departments needs to do to prepare for the move – everything from Store Ops, to Omni Operations to Marketing