7 key considerations for choosing cloud services in highly regulated industries.
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Red Hat OpenShift cloud services is an enterprise – grade application development platform that is hosted and managed by Red Hat and public cloud providers. Red Hat OpenShift cloud services enables application developers to build, deploy, and run traditional and cloud-native applications at scale.
The efficiency and unlimited scalability of cloud architectures are pushing companies towards the cloud, whether public, private, or hybrid solutions.
To improve agility, speed, and flexibility, organizations are transitioning to the cloud and adopting cloud-native development. IDC research shows that worldwide, 97% of enterprises expect to take advantage of connected hybrid and multicloud infrastructure, spanning both on-premise resources and one or more public cloud platforms to support these cloud-native applications.
Across industries, organizations depend on applications to engage customers, partners, and employees; direct both internal and external business processes; and achieve business goals. The way you design, code, build, test, deploy, run, and manage these applications can greatly impact your organization’s ability to innovate and adapt.
Across industries, hybrid cloud adoption is growing. In fact, 81% of financial services firms say that the cloud is the most essential technology for achieving business priorities, and 74% have adopted a cloud-first approach for new application development.
Edge solutions in various environments will fuel innovation and drive FSI firms’ future technology fitness with adaptive, dynamic, and resilient business strategies and operations.
Als erster seiner Art bietet dieser Bericht Einblicke in die Vorgehensweise von Unternehmen beim Umgang mit globalen Cybersicherheitsbedrohungen. Die Ergebnisse beruhen auf umfassenden Interviews mit 1.350 Managern aus Geschäfts- und IT-Abteilungen, die in Unternehmen und Institutionen mit mindestens 1.000 Mitarbeitern sicherheitsrelevante Entscheidungen treffen.
Selon une enquête mondiale IDC menée en 2022, 95 % des PDG poursuivent ou démarrent une stratégie « digital-first » dans leur entreprise. Or le succès d’une transition réussie vers une telle stratégie dépend d’une part de l’utilisation d’outils et de pratiques numériques, et d’autre part de la capacité à les associer aux outils et pratiques IT historiques, en place dans l’entreprise.
As a modern retail leader, you’re not only charged with understanding the latest technology innovations in the market, but you’re also responsible for guiding your organisation through its digital transformation journey.